The broad information ethics teaching terrain is inextricably linked to diverse understandings of life, liberty, the law, and the state; justice and injustice; communication, information, misinformation, disin- formation, and propaganda; education, knowledge, and power; equality, equity; universal access to information; human rights and moral dilemmas; and, multicultural landscapes, immigration and mobility patterns.
- Toni Samek
ICIE Curriculum Consortium for Information Ethics
The formation of the ICIE Curriculum Consortium for the teaching of Information Ethics courses has been developed in collaboration with participating institutions worldwide. In addition to the creation and teaching of Information Ethics and related courses, the Curriculum Consortium has established and provides a set of guidelines concerning online teaching issues including credits and their transfer, platform, certification, and development of course curriculum.
Participating institutions in the consortium collectively participate in designing and developing all available courses. The establishment of the consortium and its modalities of formation and functioning are overseen by the consortium committee as outlined in the guidelines for the consortium.
The consortium board is comprised of the below involved institutions:
e-Learning Centre, University of Hyderabad, India (Consortium Lead)
African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Kule Institute for Advanced Study, University of Alberta, Canada
International Centre for Information Ethics, South Africa & Canada (Consortium Coordinator)
Consortium Advisory Board:
The Consortium advisory board is made up of two representatives from each participating institute (both a consortium representative, and an external institute representative), with institute representatives heading an internal institute committee of three members.
Committees within each institution (committees internal) act as liaisons between their prospective institution's administration and the ICIE consortium advisory board.

Professor Geoffrey Rockwell
Director of the Kule Institute for Advanced Study Arts Interdisciplinary Studies | Philosophy. University of Alberta

Susanna Ackermann
Education Consultant, Johannesburg Area, South Africa

Coetzee Bester
Information For All Programme (IFAP) South Africa Chair
ICIE African Chapter Head

Jared Bielby
President - Netizen Consulting Ltd. Chair - International Center for Information Ethics
South Africa Committee Leads

Rachel Fischer
ICIE Consortium Representative

Coetzee Bester
IFAP SA Chair & ICIE Africa Chapter Head
India Committee Leads

Professor Rao Prabhakara
Consortium Representative

Professor Vasuki Belavadi
Institute Representative
Consortium Advisory Board
Executive Committee
Institute Representative

Professor Rao Prabhakara
Director, E-learning & Head, Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (CALTS), School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad

Professor Vasuki Belavadi
Department of Communication, S N School of Arts & Communication, University of Hyderabad

Rachel Fischer
Co-Chair: International Centre for Information Ethics
Deputy Chair: International Review for Informtaion Ethics
Co-founder & Researcher: 3Consulting