This section provides an overview of and links to Information Ethics and ICIE-related publications.
The IRIE is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It envisions an international as well as intercultural discussion focusing on the ethical impacts of information technology on human practices and thinking, social interaction, other areas of science and research and the society itself.
The journal seeks to be a general forum for ethical scholarship in this area. It seeks to publish the best available scientific works concerned twice a year in an online edition.
The Volume 28 was published in 2020 followed by Volume 29 in 2021. A set of papers were brought together that were presented at conferences hosted by the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) as well as the AI4IA conference organised by the UNESCO IFAP Working Group on Information Accessiblity. These events have made AI, Ethics and Society an area of research focus. These editions considered themes from ethical best practices for industry and government developing responsible AI services to aligning cultural and societal values in AI design, the role of researchers from social sciences and humanities disciplines in ethical innovation in the AI sector, and methods for interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration between interested in responsible AI.
Life After Privacy
Firmin DeBrabander
The book Life After Privacy posits a controversial line of argument. Privacy looks to be quite doomed in the digital age- not least because digital citizens care little about it, and also have no clue how to protect it. If privacy is doomed, however, what does this mean for democracy? The author contends that the value of privacy may be overblown; it is a recent concept that is not widely shared at all. And privacy is a hopelessly incoherent notion. The author argues that the public realm is far more important to the health and welfare of democracy. Written for a general audience, Life After Privacy discusses themes in digital culture and democracy more broadly, as well as the history of privacy, and draws on the thought of Hannah Arendt. Isaiah Berlin and John Dewey, among others.
The Nelson Mandela Reader
Editors: Coetzee Bester, Johannes Britz, Rafael Capurro and Rachel Fischer
The idea for the Nelson Mandela Reader arose during the International Policy Dialogue on IFAP Priority Areas focused on BRICS conference held in Cape Town on July 4-6, 2018. The conference participants visited Robben Island, the prison site of former South African president Nelson Mandela. The tour guide recapitulated Mandela’s life and struggle for freedom in South Africa as well as the common political goals of both Mandela and his predecessor, Frederik Willem de Klerk, to overcome apartheid.
The confluence of South African history culminating in Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom, is not unlike similar situations in other societies and can be reflected on to provide a sense of orientation in 'language struggles' that are at the same time political, economic and, last but not least, cultural. Among the manifest topics in Mandela's biography is the question of perspective. Perspective provided a thread of unity to Mandela's life and to his reflection thereon. His perspective brings to light issues of (in-) human information and communication as addressed before, during and after the time of his imprisonment. It outlines the history of his country and continent as a struggle against what can be called information and communication apartheid.
Issues of apartheid extend beyond South Africa, as Mandela himself was well aware. Upon reflecting on the historical situation of apartheid South Africa, Mandela envisioned a universal solution out of the unique historical and cultural background.
This Reader contains 12 essays who reflect on the life and contribution of Nelson Mandela, through the lens of Information Ethics.
Foundations of Information Ethics
Editors: John T. F. Burgess & Emily J. M. Knox
Foreword by Robert Hauptman:
As discussions about the roles played by information in economic, political, and social arenas continue to evolve, the need for an intellectual primer on information ethics that also functions as a solid working casebook for LIS students and professionals has never been more urgent. This text, written by a stellar group of ethics scholars and contributors from around the globe, expertly fills that need. Organized into twelve chapters, making it ideal for use by instructors, this volume from editors Burgess and Knox
thoroughly covers principles and concepts in information ethics, as well as the history of ethics in the information professions;
examines human rights, information access, privacy, discourse, intellectual property, censorship, data and cybersecurity ethics, intercultural information ethics, and global digital citizenship and responsibility;
synthesizes the philosophical underpinnings of these key subjects with abundant primary source material to provide historical context along with timely and relevant case studies;
features contributions from John M. Budd, Paul T. Jaeger, Rachel Fischer, Margaret Zimmerman, Kathrine A. Henderson, Peter Darch, Michael Zimmer, and Masooda Bashir, among others; and
offers a special concluding chapter by Amelia Gibson that explores emerging issues in information ethics, including discussions ranging from the ethics of social media and social movements to AI decision making.
This important survey will be a key text for LIS students and an essential reference work for practitioners.
Information Cultures in a Digital Age
A Festschrift in Honor of Rafael Capurro
Editors: Matthew Kelly and Jared Bielby
For several decades Rafael Capurro has been at the forefront of defining the relationship between information and modernity through both phenomenological and ethical formulations. In exploring both of these themes Capurro has re-vivified the transcultural and intercultural expressions of how we bring an understanding of information to bear on scientific knowledge production and intermediation. Capurro has long stressed the need to look deeply into how we contextualize the information problems that scientific society creates for us and to re-incorporate a pragmatic dimension into our response that provides a balance to the cognitive turn in information science.
With contributions from 35 scholars from 15 countries, Information Cultures in the Digital Age focuses on the culture and philosophy of information, information ethics, the relationship of information to message, the historic and semiotic understanding of information, the relationship of information to power and the future of information education. This Festschrift seeks to celebrate Rafael Capurro’s important contribution to a global dialogue on how information conceptualisation, use and technology impact human culture and the ethical questions that arise from this dynamic relationship.
The Festschrift is complemented by Rafael Capurro's Information Cultures in the Digital Age: Thanks And Responses.
ICIE Book Series / Schriftenreihe des ICIE
Fink Verlag Munich edited by Rafael Capurro and Thomas Hausmanninger.
Netzethik. Grundlegungsfragen der Internetethik edited by Thomas Hausmanninger and Rafael Capurro, ICIE Series Vol. 1, Munich 2002. See: I. ICIE-Symposium: Conceptions of Information Ethics, February 28 - March 2, 2001, Augsburg, Germany.
Handeln im Netz. Bereichsethiken und Jugendschutz im Internet edited by Thomas Hausmanninger, ICIE Series Vol. 2, Munich 2003.
Vernetzt gespalten. Der Digital Divide in ethischer Perspektive edited by Rupert M. Scheule, Rafael Capurro, Thomas Hausmanninger, ICIE Series Vol. 3, Munich 2004.
Localizing the Internet. Ethical Aspects in Intercultural Perspective edited by Rafael Capurro, Johannes Frühbauer, Thomas Hausmanninger, ICIE Series Vol. 4, Munich 2007.
Messages and Messengers. Angeletics as an Approach to the Phenomenology of Communication edited by Rafael Capurro and John Holgate, ICIE Series Vol. 5, Munich 2011
African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics: ACEIE

Concepts in Information Ethics
"The aim of this workbook is to create a user-friendly reference for use in various contexts and on different levels. The editors have therefore compiled this workbook with simplified definitions/descriptions of some of the concepts used in discussions pertaining to Information Ethics. The aim of this workbook is to equip readers with some of the necessary vocabulary to effectively engage in such discussions. This workbook is in no way intended as an academic treatise that discusses the concepts in their comprehensive depth and breadth."
Information Ethics in Africa: Cross-cutting Themes
This book was compiled by internationally recognised researchers and academics. These acclaimed researchers contributed chapters to the book on topics that are both practical and theoretical in terms of Information Ethics in an African context. The contributions were peer reviewed by two independent researchers (as well as members of the editorial committee) and authors were given the opportunity to revise their contributions based on the suggestions of the reviewers. This book is primarily aimed at researchers, but can also be used at postgraduate level (and some chapters even at senior undergraduate level).
Africa Reader on Information Ethics
The Africa Reader on Information Ethics is based on papers presented at the First Africa Information Ethics conference that took place under the patronage of UNESCO, on 5–7 February in Pretoria, South Africa. It was co-organised by the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the International Centre for Information Ethics (ICIE), and was fully sponsored by the South African government. In addressing the ethical challenges of the information society on the African continent, the conference was inspired by the Geneva Declaration adopted by the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) held in Geneva in 2003. It was explicitly conceived as part of the implementation of Action Line C10 of the Geneva Plan of Action.
Curriculum to teach Information Ethics at Universities in Africa
This curriculum framework model was designed and published as a single source of reference to assist participating colleagues. It includes the description of historic research processes, background information, and academic motivations that could contribute to academic objectivity and credibility of the curriculum design process